Je suis Groenlandais.e

I worked together with Solène Desbois, film maker, on this short film.

We aimed to document the daily life of an Inuit community in Nothern Greenland. We chose the village of Kullorsuaq, located at 74°N. We visited many times this village and have good relationships with its inhabitants.

Je suis Groenlandais.e

74°N. Des scènes de vie tournées au sein d’une communauté inuite de la côte ouest du Groenland. Sur cette île de l‘Arctique, la société se transforme plus vite qu’ailleurs. La nouvelle génération s’occidentalise, au détriment des valeurs traditionnelles. Les jeunes apprennent à se déhancher sur du Beyoncé, à dribbler comme Messi sur leur console, se nourrissent de junk food. Les anciens continuent d’inculquer aux jeunes qui le souhaitent la chasse à l’ours et au phoque. En 50 ans, les Inuit se sont adapté.e.s au monde dit moderne et occidental. Leur adaptation se poursuit : ce peuple est le premier témoin des effets du changement climatique.


I am Greenlandic

74 ° N. We shot everyday life scenes in an Inuit community on the western coast of Greenland. Society on this arctic island is changing faster than anywhere else. The new generation is westernizing, to the detriment of traditional values. The youngs are learning how to sway their hips listening Beyoncé’s songs, to dribble the ball like Messi on their console while eating junk food. The elders are still teaching to the young generation about bear and seal hunting. In 50 years, the Inuit have adapted to the so-called modern and western world. With success: they are one of the most connected people of the planet. But their adaptation is not over yet: they are the first witnesses of climate change effects.